Spanish Forum of Geoparks
In countries where there are Geoparks, the Network –in our case through the EGN– is represented by Geopark national committees or forum.
The Spanish geoparks are, together with individual members of the GGN, the Spanish Forum of Geoparks to coordinate the work carried out at the national level related to the Global Network and UNESCO, as well as dealing with the proper dissemination and adequate information in new projects.
In Spain, there are 11 Geoparks:
- Maestrazgo (Aragón) 2004
- Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park (Andalusia), 2006
- Cabo de Gata Natural Park (Andalusia), 2006
- Sobrarbe (Aragón) 2006
- Costa Vasca (Basque Country), 2010
- Sierra Norte de Sevilla (Andalusia), 2011
- Villuercas-Ibores-Jara (Extremadura), 2011
- Cataluña Central (Catalonia), 2012
- Molina-Alto Tajo (Castilla La Mancha), 2014
- El Hierro (Canary Islands), 2014,
- Lanzarote and Chinijo Islands (Canary Islands), 2015.