Project Description

The Chinero volcano, also known as Nuevo del Fuego volcano, formed during the second eruption episode (29th September – 5th October) of the 1824 triple eruption, around 13 km away from Volcán de Tao, the first one to erupt, and, following a ENE-WSW fissure, it’s the only fully magmatic volcanic manifestation of this triple eruption when the largest volcanic system was created, and the highest emission of lava, enough to generate lava flows that after 7 km, reached the sea. The lava channel formed in the main lava flow shows a wide range of pahoehoe superficial lava morphologies (roped, cemented, draped, etc) and their transition to aa lava flows. There are also overflowing structures in the lava channel caused by rough changes in the emissions rate during the eruption.
The main interest of this geosite is volcanological, although it also has a geomorphological interest. This is a place that represents the creation of lava channels and evolution throughout time. […] An element that represents the last historic eruption that took place on the island, as registered in historical chronicles.